Starting the Year Off Right–2012

Starting the Year Off Right
Impact Church Daniel Fast
January 1st – 21st, 2012

 We are about to enter into 2012 and the New Year can bring a sense of both excitement and apprehension.   It is excitement for the wonders of what lies ahead and the opportunity to start fresh and new.  But it can also be a time of anxiety and apprehension at the unknown that awaits us in the upcoming months.  Some prophets have prophesied that 2012 will be a year of tumultuous times.  Yet in the midst of these times, we can have confidence and security in our relationship with our Heavenly Father, Who loves and cares for us.

The beginning of the New Year is a time when many will make resolutions for the changes they want to make.   The New Year is the time when gyms and sports centers get an influx of new clientele who are making that resolution to shape up, lose weight, get their life back in balance.  

However, the New Year is also a time when we can begin to look at our spiritual life and decide to make significant changes in this area as well.    So, a great way to kick off any New Year is with a time of fasting, prayer and seeking God for His revelation in our life.  It’s a time when we can decide to develop greater intimacy with Him.   It’s also a time when we can dedicate, almost as a first fruit offering, our life before Him for the upcoming New Year.

I am asking us as a church family to join me on a 21 day “Daniel” fast beginning January 1.  I have placed in our bookstore copies of Elmer Towns book “The Daniel Fast”.  This is a 21 day devotional that will give you information on what a Daniel Fast looks like along with daily devotions for each of the days.   Some may try to abide by the strict Daniel fast of eating only vegetables and drinking water.  Others may choose to eliminate a certain food item or food group from their diet.  And others may choose to eliminate a meal a day and dedicate this time to prayer.   The important thing is that we PRAY more during this time than we would normally.   I asked the Lord once why should we fast.   What I heard was “it lets you know who/what is really in charge of your life”.  How true this is.  

The Daniel fast was also a time when Daniel needed favor from God in a certain area.   Where do you need favor or breakthrough in your life?   Put these requests before God as you seek Him more diligently during this time.  I will also have some corporate things I want you to pray about. 

I truly believe the best is yet ahead of us.   I believe we will see the fulfillment of many prophetic words spoken over us in the days ahead.   I also believe the Lord wants to make us a “land of Goshen” people during any perilous times that may come.  He will bring deliverance to those who are His. 

 As we approach the end of our fasting period, on Friday January 20th we will have a Face to Face worship and prayer event.  This will be a great way to wrap up our time of seeking God as we come together as a local assembly and praise Him in worship and prayer. 

I am so blessed to be a part of the Impact Family.  You are the best people in the world and I believe the Lord wants to move more mightily in our midst in 2012.  Let’s honor Him by starting off our year right, seeking Him!

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