As so many have felt, heard and seen since we have gone into an actual “Passover” quarantining experience with the Corona Virus situation, this has definitely been a special time of “resetting” in and for our lives.    We have had time to pull away from many of the time stealers and possibly we are now seeing they really are not that important at all.

As I have been doing some reading and studying about this time of the original Passover, I find that some of the Messianic Jewish teaching places a lot of importance on the period between Passover and Pentecost.    They call this time, “the counting of the omer” and after the Passover, the Jews are instructed to begin counting off 7 weeks of Sabbaths, culminating with Pentecost on the 50th day.

There is a lot of symbolic importance to this time, and especially in this Corona Virus season we are in.  Why is this important?   The Jews used the counting process to track the grain harvest that was coming.  They were preparing for the harvest that was promised by evidence of the first sheaf which was waved on the Sabbath after Passover and for the next 50 days, they prepared for and processed the harvest that was coming. The waving of the sheaf was the first fruit evidence of what was expected in this new spring harvest.  In a similar way, Jesus is our first fruit and the anticipation of what was and is to come.  (1 Cor 15:23; James 1:18; Rev. 14:4)

Today we know that Jesus was offered up as the Passover lamb during the Spring Feast of the real Jewish Passover and we know that the Holy Spirit came upon the church 50 days following that Passover, or on the day of Pentecost.  This is a beautiful picture of God revealing His plan for the church for the ages to come.

Back to Counting the Omer, it is important to look at what happened during those first 40 days of the 7 weeks. During this time, we know that Jesus walked the earth and taught His disciples about the Kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3)   Similarly, during this time that we have been quarantined, many of us have realized the importance of getting alone with God and listening to His voice, His revelation and His instruction.  Many have heard that this time of quarantining is a time of “resetting”  for the days ahead.

After the 40 days and Jesus’ ascension, the disciples then began a time of dedicated prayer.   But another important thing happened during these few days. This was a time when a divine appointment was made.  The church that was soon to be birthed needed a replacement for Judas. The disciples entered into the upper room with a total of 120 people and they all prayed and waited on the Word from God before appointing Matthias as the replacement for Judas (Acts 1:12-26).  We know the story of how Judas did not follow the will of God. How many today are in the service of the Lord and are doing their own thing?   Is it possible this may be a time of setting aside for some and “new appointment” for others in the church?  I believe the Lord is looking for and requiring an uncompromising church for the days ahead.

For the next 9 days they prayed, awaiting the promise of power that Jesus spoke of in Acts 1:4, 8 and Luke 24:49 and on the 10th day, the Holy Spirit came!  It almost seems that the disciples and the other believers were “quarantined” for a single focus of prayer.   What a great picture of where the church is today.  The church has been quarantined and kept apart and now its time to unite and pray!

As we approach the day of Pentecost, May 31, 2020, I believe we too should focus on prayer during these last 10 days.  As we approach the end of the 40 days from the waving of the Sheaf (May 21 is day 40), I believe we should follow the example of the 120 and devote this time to prayer.  I also believe we should expect new “God Appointments” in His Church as He pours out His Spirit…fresh, powerfully and anew!  Let’s Prepare!



May 22-May 30

 Day #1…Friday May 22:  Focus on stilling ourselves and hearing from the Lord.  During this prayer focus, we will focus on key scriptures and pray these Scriptures in our gatherings.  Pray for revelation of any areas out of sync with God’s will and word in our lives.  A time of repentance for ourselves and our nation.  Cultural Mountain Focus:  Church.

Day #2…Saturday May 23:  Focus on thanksgiving for God’s blessings and protection and recognition of enemies who are warring against God’s plan in our life and the life of our city, nation, families, etc.  Cultural Mountain Focus:  Education

Day #3…Sunday May 24:  Focus on praying for increased discernment from the Lord and coming against any tactics of doubt and discouragement in the body of Christ.  Prayer for God to uncover the tactics of the enemy and his deceptive plans.  Cultural Mountain Focus:  Government

Day #4…Monday May 25:  Focus on the revelation of the Glory of God revealed to His people.   Pray for wisdom as God places His people into divine assignments in the Harvest and days ahead.  Cultural Mountain Focus:  Arts & Entertainment.

Day #5…Tuesday May 26:  Focus on declaration of the will of God in the earth.   Pray for supernatural power, deliverance and breakthrough in our lives and in the nations of the earth.  A time to prophecy the will of God and speak to the “dry bones” in our lives.  Cultural Mountain Focus:  Media

Day #6…Wednesday May 27:  Focus on forgiveness, healing and total surrender to God.   Prayer for release of all bitterness and unforgiveness in our lives and a renewal of all Godly covenants left unattended or broken in our lives and the life of our family. Cultural  Mountain Focus:  Family

Day #7…Thursday May 28:  Focus on God given authority and removal of all demonic plans, traps and snares of the enemy.  Prayer for community, family, nation, churches.  Pray for expansion in all areas.  Pray the “Prayer of Jabez” over key areas of life. Cultural Mountain Focus:  Business

Day #8…Friday May 29:  Focus on the power of the blood of Jesus to be appropriated in lives of people of God and over the nations of the earth.  Pray for revelation in days ahead.  Remove all limitations from church and people of God.

Day #9…Saturday May 30:  Focus on Pentecost 2020.   Prophets are saying that we have had a “literal” Passover in 2020 and they believe we will have a “literal” Pentecost.   Pray for a supernatural outpouring of power on May 31st as we experience Pentecost 2020 and for the purpose of carrying out the work of the Lord.




1 Comment

  1. Hello Pastor Donna,
    I listened to your message from a couple of weeks ago on “are we quarantining from the wrong virus” I am in agreement with you totally. I would like to recommend a wonderful truth filled message by a minister I’ve found in Texas. HIs name is G.Steven Simons, (Triumph in Truth). He is the husband of Joel Osteen’s sister, April. He teaches and lives the truth of the Bible that I’ve been living now for the last 7 years. The message that I’m recommending is: “Did Paul disagree with Yeshua?” The reason that people in the church take on a worldly stance is because we are not actually living in covenant with our Creator when we reject the Words of our Messiah that states, ” I didn’t come to abolish the law or the prophets” He goes on to say those who do and teach the commandments will be great in the kIngdom…The recommended message clears up the confusion that has reigned in the mainstream church for centuries regarding Paul’s teaching on the law, going back to the scripture that you brought out in Jude on “contending for the faith once delivered to the saints.” It happened many years ago when the so called “church fathers” chose to compromise and allow the religious philosophies of man to creep in and establish this worldly, lawless, religious organization that we call “the church”

    The bride is being prepared, the lines are being drawn, we will be for Him (Yeshua), or against Him (Yeshua)…The antichrist spirit is the master of deception. We were predestined to be conformed to the image of the Son…Thinking, doing, talking, being about His Ways, which are the ways of our Father…Not everyone that says, Lord, Lord will enter in, but they doing the will of our Father! His Word is His will…The front of the book and the back of the book…(The Word became flesh and dwelt among us)…The “New Testament” wasn’t written when the Messiah, the Apostles, and the early believers walked the earth….They adhered to the Torah, the Prophets, and the writings…Also the many writings that were left out.
    The commandments, feast days, statutes, precepts, and judgements were not just given to the Jews, (The tribe of Judah) but all of Israel…We are grafted into the family of Israel…The whole Word is for us, to us, and for instruction in righteousness. We don’t keep the law to be saved, we keep the law because we are saved! Salvation only comes through the blood of Yeshua, obedience to the Word follows true salvation… The Holy Spirit gives the ability and want to…Walking as our Messiah walked, doing what He did, not conforming to the ways of the world…Keeping the commandments of God and having the testimony of our Messiah…Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 22:14.

    I pray that you are doing well and blessed during these times of uncertainty! I would love to meet and discuss the Word sometime, Father willing!

    In His Love and Service,
    Karen Harrington

    His Word changes not! HalleluYah! (no “J” in the Hebrew language)…

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